Thursday, June 9, 2016

Well, have you?

Have you noticed that the pundits that are bashing Trump and saying he has to change his ways to meet their idea of a candidate... are the same twits who said he couldn't win the nomination.
Did you notice in the primaries held this past Tuesday that Trump's winning margin was in the 70+ percentile range. Apparently the people aren't listening to the elites. It would seem that the only ones listening to the elites are the elites themselves.
Trump had the highest voter turnout of any Republican in history. Meanwhile, Hillary had 8 million FEWER votes than she got in 2008 when she LOST to Obama!
The polls where people actually vote seem to be telling a completely different story than the one you read or hear from the elites.
Come November the elites will find out that wishing something won't make it so.
One final crude note to all those fake Republicans who show fake outrage at Trump. You won't get my vote, as a matter of fact I'd like you all to take your itty bitty tiny little d--- and go f--- yourselves!