Monday, April 15, 2013

Article: School Crossword’s Definition of ‘Conservatism’ Outrages Mom!

"Tamra Vare­brook's 8th-grade daugh­ter came home recently with an assign­ment on lib­er­al­ism ver­sus con­ser­vatism that shocked and angered her because of how it char­ac­ter­ized one of the polit­i­cal ide­olo­gies.

"I looked at it, and read­ing the descrip­tion of 'con­ser­vatism' being that we are the party that wants to restrict all per­son­al free­doms struck me as pret­ty much incorrect," she said.

Vare­brook imme­di­ate­ly called the school dis­trict in their town of Union Grove, Wisc., and they apol­o­gized, say­ing that the def­i­n­i­tion was com­plete­ly wrong."

School Crossword's Definition of 'Conservatism' Outrages Mom!

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