Wednesday, March 2, 2016

This Little Super Tuesday Fact Alone Tells Us Donald Trump Will Be Our Next President

This Little Super Tuesday Fact Alone Tells Us Donald Trump Will Be Our Next President


Virginia GOP primary turnout in 2012: 265,570.

Estimate in 2016?: 1,025,000.

(From Edison Media Research)"

The GOP doesn't understand that those people are Trump people. If they somehow manage to kick him out those voters will go with him. The same can be said for Cruz voters. If the GOP plays some dirty tricks and puts up some loser like Rubio they will not win against Hillary. Those voters belong to Trump and Cruz, not the GOP. It's possible that when Cruz gets out many of his voters will go to Trump but they sure won't go to any establishment candidate. The best and only thing the GOP can do now is embrace Trump and get behind him. They lose everything otherwise... The people have spoken.