"Special Report" Panel Covers Planned Parenthood Scandal | Video | RealClearPolitics
At some point in time someone high up at Planned Parenthood decided it would be a good idea to sell aborted baby tissue. I wonder if in that room when it was decided to do this someone, anyone, spoke up against it. Perhaps saying that if this gets out it would look very bad. But perhaps after aborting babies for decades they became so jaded that selling baby parts seemed like a good idea. If it happened to them then are we next? Will we, as a society someday think this is a normal thing to do and if so what will that do to our moral core? Remember that abortion is not the problem, an unwanted pregnancy is the problem and currently the only solution to that problem is abortion. Those against abortion need to come up with a solution to the real problem before they can successfully eliminate the only solution available.