Stop Hillary In 2016
Stop Hillary In 2016I was private messaged by this liberal dipshit. Here's his message and my response:
So you hate Hillary but like bush 2? Please explain how Hillary is a failed leader? What is worse than inventing the Iraq war that killed 4000 Americans and made 3 trillion of our dollars disappear?
– Rick P.– Rick P.Rick,
I usually don't respond to morons, but you're so exceptionally misguided, I'm doing going to do you the favor.
First, I don't know where you came up with the idea that I "like Bush 2." I'm not the biggest fan of his, but I must confess that these days I do miss him. I almost forget what it's like to have someone in the White House who actually loves this country.
Second, how does one "invent" a war? I'm not sure if you were around at the time, but you may want to Google "9/11 and Al Qaeda" it was kind of a big deal.
I have a friend with a mentally-challenged kid, so I think I know what you meant to say. I think you meant Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction and got us into the Iraq War. Not true, my friend. Bush was going on intel that many of your liberal cohorts in politics agreed with.
Lest ye forget, 77 Senators voted YEA for the war. Including Dodd, Feinstein, Kerry, Reid, and Schumer. I noticed that your a fan of "Bumblin'" Joe Biden. Guess what? He supported military action in Iraq as well. I'm guessing you forgot that, or simply did not know. Guess who else agreed we should go to war? That's right, Hillary Clinton!
In the end Syria was all to happy to take those weapons off of of Saddam's hands and later use them on his own people. Which promptly made King Obama almost go to war without any approval whatsoever. Putin was kind enough to bitch-slap Barry back into reality.
You mention the war making “3 trillion of our dollars disappear.” Did you know that $6 billion-dollars is unaccounted for from the Hillary Clinton State department, or are you conveniently ignoring that? Don’t believe me, Google it.
Finally, I'm not even going to explain to you how "Hillary is a failed leader", because she isn't a "leader." She's a politician of the worst order. She's a blatant liar, who is so driven by sheer political ambition, that it overrides any small, black kernel of decency that may be hidden under aging, gray carcass.
You are an indoctrinated liberal simpleton who choses to blindly follow a party and refuses to acknowledge basic facts. You are exactly the type of rube that gets us stuck with bad politicians.
– William L.