Guest Post: Egyptians Love Us For Our Freedom | Zero Hedge
Guest Post: Egyptians Love Us For Our Freedom
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/02/2013 14:21 -0400
Submitted by Jim Quinn of The Burning Platform blog,
Our interventionist foreign policy is the gift that keeps on giving. Is there any Middle Eastern country that we haven’t screwed up yet? Oh yeah – Iran. Give Obama and McCain time. That will be the clusterfuck that destroys the world.
15 Photos From the Tahrir Square Protests You’ll Never See In Legacy Media.
Curiously, a massive wave of anti-Obama sentiment in Egypt has been utterly ignored by vintage media, even though the protests may be the largest in all of human history.
Consider the dichotomy: Obama 2011: Mubarak Must Go; Obama Today: ‘It’s not our job to choose who Egypt’s leaders are’.
Hat tips: Dancing Czars and BadBlue News.