Tesla says it lost “hundreds” of orders after New York Times controversy | Ars Technica:
… "‘The result was that the car ran out of range. There was this sad shot of our car on a flatbed as though that was the only outcome possible for such a drive and that's just not true. And lots of people said that it does not matter if you're right or wrong, you do not battle the New York Times. To hell with that. I would rather tell the truth and suffer the consequences even if they are negative. I do not think it should be the end of his career or that he should be fired, but I do think that he fudged an article.'" ...
Why would anyone trust the NYT with or for anything. I'm sure a lot of NYT reading liberals were buying the car because it's the trendy green thing to do and the NYT just gave them an out with their lefty buddies.