Monday, April 25, 2016

The Silly and Corrupt Season

What I like about this political season is how everybody now knows just how corrupt and self serving the political elites of our two national parties are. It's kinda something we all knew deep down but this season it's really rearing it's ugly head.

Check Out This HILARIOUS Top 12 Reasons to Vote Democrat List | The Federalist Papers

Check Out This HILARIOUS Top 12 Reasons to Vote Democrat List | The Federalist Papers

Here's one for the choir.

Donald Trump Blasts Kasich and Cruz for Joining Forces to Stop Him

Limbaugh: If Cruz Wins Nomination On Second Ballot "We Are Going To See A Nuclear Explosion" | Video | RealClearPolitics

Limbaugh: If Cruz Wins Nomination On Second Ballot "We Are Going To See A Nuclear Explosion" | Video | RealClearPolitics

True that!

Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far - Breitbart

Exclusive Data Analysis: Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far - Breitbart

By what rational does the RNC, Cruz or anyone else think he's not the front runner. If they steal the nomination from Trump it will be the end of the GOP!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Australian bush poetry

We are blessed in Australia to have such an abundant wealth of talented story tellers whom future generations can learn of their history and 21st century lifestyle.
Here is a classic example:
I know a young Muslim whose name is Jim,
I really love throwing tomatoes at him,
Tomatoes are soft and don't hurt the skin,
But these f**kers do, ‘cos they're still in the tin.
The warmth and heart wrenching simplicity of Australian bush poetry can bring a tear to the eye.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Karl Rove’s American Crossroads Super PAC softening anti-Trump position

Karl Rove’s American Crossroads Super PAC softening anti-Trump position | BizPac Review

Getting smart?

Donald Trump -- Smoking Gun Video Shows Reporter Cross the Line (VIDEO) |

Donald Trump -- Smoking Gun Video Shows Reporter Cross the Line (VIDEO) |

She must be a plant from the Anti-Trump wingnuts.

Trump's Silver Lining

Trump's Silver Lining

*Trump's special qualifications for being president*

Let's check out Trump's presidential qualifications:
       • Obama is against Trump
       • The Media is against Trump
       • The establishment Democrats are against Trump
       • The establishment Republicans are against Trump
       • The Pope is against Trump
       • The UN is against Trump
       • The EU is against Trump
       • China is against Trump
       • Mexico is against Trump
       • Soros is against Trump
       • Black Lives Matter is against Trump
       •MoveOn.Orgis against Trump
       • Koch Bro's are against Trump
       • Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump

Bonus points:
       • Cher says she will leave the country if Trump becomes President
       • Mylie Cyrus says she will leave the country if Trump becomes President
       • Whoopi says she will leave the country if Trump becomes President
       • Rosie says she will leave the country if Trump becomes President
       • Al Sharpton says he will leave the country if Trump becomes President
       • Gov. Brown says California will build a wall if Trump becomes President

Sounds like the kinda president the U.S.A. needs!!! Go Trump! 


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Time Ted Cruz Defended a Ban on Dildos

The Time Ted Cruz Defended a Ban on Dildos | Mother Jones

Yeah, I know MJ is a left wing rag but still...

RNC member: Trump can win with 1,100 delegates

RNC member: Trump can win with 1,100 delegates | Washington Examiner... Republican National Committee member Randy Evans said Wednesday that Donald Trump would likely be able to secure the Republican nomination if he captures anything more than 1,100 delegates, short of the 1,237 delegates needed for a simple majority. ...
All hell will break loose if the candidate with the most delegates doesn't get the nomination.

Maddow Reports Grisly Details Of "Coup" Within Eagle Forum Over Trump Endorsement

Maddow Reports Grisly Details Of "Coup" Within Eagle Forum Over Trump Endorsement | Video | RealClearPolitics

Me? Suggest a Maddow piece? Well, even at 21 minutes long I found it fascinating. If you have the time you might too.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Fun Speculation

What might happen if the GOP rigs the convention to steal the nomination from Cruz or Trump and give it to somebody they like?

Here's a fun thought. Trump and Cruz team up to run as a third party...

Wouldn't that be fun to watch.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

How A Contested Convention Would Work

How A Contested Convention Would Work

Mind you this is, "The Onion" but all good humor has a ring of truth to it.

Raw Bodycam Video Shows Knife-Wielding Man Shot By Ohio Policeman

His restraint is impressive. He shot the guy once and then backed up into traffic not wanting to shoot again while the guy was saying over and over, "Kill me". Impressive... Blue lives matter!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Breaking: Cruz reveals a startling secret between himself and Heidi on radio show

Breaking: Cruz reveals a startling secret between himself and Heidi on radio show

“it is up to the states, and not the Federal Government, to decide of laws concerning marriage. Under Federal law, I would never have been allowed to marry my own wife, who is in fact, my cousin”

It's just his third cousin. I guess the first two weren't good enough.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

PJTV Exclusive: Does Ann Coulter Still Support Donald Trump for President?

"Published on Mar 31, 2016

On this PJTV Exclusive, Ann Coulter, author of "Adios America!", sits down with John Phillips to discuss what she says is the "pussification of politics" and the GOP Presidential race. Find out if she still supports Donald Trump for President on this PJTV Exclusive!"